Sunday, June 03, 2007

Cinemas Today in Malaysia

Cinemas nowadays in Malaysia, especially in PJ/KL, are really different from 20 years ago.

FACTS of Cinemas today:

  • Cinemas are almost always crowded 7 days a week, 365 days a year

  • choices of movies showing x10

  • more choices in Food & Beverages (some cinemas even have a dine-in restaurant)

  • gift stores can be found almost every major cinemas

  • every corners are covered with marketing, advertising and promotions gimmicks

  • 95% of the movies tied up with sponsors (consumer products)

  • ...and more

No wonder everyone wants a spot in a box-office movie. And that makes the film making becomes a very intensed+competitive industry. The A&P team is cracking their heads to come out with something new each time, i.e. new interactive websites, huge+large billboards, exordinary standees, buntings and banners, and new medias.

Today at Cineleisure, I noticed this new media, while I was queing up for tickets - Interactive Zone! It's not a new tech, but the idea is something fresh to me (at least from advertising & promotion (A&P) view).

What it actually does is by projecting some 3D animated videos (product oriented) on wall, with some motion sensor attached to the projector on the ceiling, where it captures people's movement and reacts.

this is the path, where you stand or walk

and it reacts to your movment

quite cool, rite?

Check out also some of the up & coming movies' cool promotional items:

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer

The Simpsons


SWATwolf said...

Ah... i remember the last time when cinema in 90's. compare to now. very different. but KL de... more canggih than kuching's.

mr-penman said...

I'm glad that there are changes since then.

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