Saturday, June 23, 2007

Wired -15.07

The July issue of WIRED magazine, features TRANSFORMERS: The Movie!!!

This issue, you get to find out:

  • how Transformers, from Toys ---> Cartoon ---> Cult ---> Big Budget Movie;

  • how Japanese's toys has influenced the world;

  • what Michael Bay and team's experience in making this movie;

Optimus Prime, WIRED - 15.07 - prime time | JUL.2007

I've been a WIRED reader since 1996.

Friday, June 22, 2007

our colleague, their producer, my girlfriend

Today is my GF - Wildchild's last day, as a Video Producer at EditHouse. I'm a bit upset, as I couldn't be at work today, to spend her last day with her. (due to some people's s2pidity & irresponsible act. see here.)

We have been working together under the same roof (different companies) for 3 years. Over the years, we have learnt a lot of things from each other from work (even though, we are in a different field).

I admire+value her great sense of responsibilities, organised head, a calm mind to handle crisis, a caring+thoughtful heart, a pair of helping hands, and her clumsy legs (always knock here and there... LOL)... -_-"

When I'm under pressure, she'll fart together with me.
When I've failed, she'll be there to encourage me.
When I'm down, she'll cheer me up.
When I'm hungry, she'll bring me food.
When I'm broke... she's my Ah Long. (LOL~ just kidding!)

Things will be really different Monday onwards.

I'll miss her at work... (but I still get to see her at night! LOL~)

And I pray that GOD will continue to bless+guide her in her career. (that 1 day, I can enjoy Sliper Rice!!! ^0^)

( see you later! ^o^ )

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass

I've been a fan since the first Zelda game - The Legend of Zelda (NES) in Gold catridge.

With this fourteenth installations in the series, I'm very excited!!! The Japan version is currently available at, US version has yet to announce the launching date .

I managed to try out the Japan version. Totally PWNing cute graphics and the innovative DS style touch screen navigation. I'm very sure this will be another blockbuster title for Nintendo.

Can't wait for the US version to be released. However, I've already pre-ordered it from

Where to get
You can secure your copy now - here.

Release Date: 01 Oct 2007;
Genre: adventure, action, puzzle;
Version: US;
Language" English;
Mode: Single player, Multiplayer, Online multiplayer;
RANK: 4.9/5;

- - - - - - -
Read also:
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Collector's Edition: Prima Official Game Guide;
The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Figure Collection Gashapon;

Transformers DS


The long awaited Transformers: The Movie will come to the big screen in two weeks time - 4th July 2007, and the premiums are arlready out for grab, i.e. action figures, games, etc...

For the DS, there are 2 versions, or rather 2 factions (of the games) to choose from:
1) The Autobots; or
2) The Decepticons;

My Thoughts
The overall feel or mood of the games are like playing GTA, in terms of control and navigation, of course the difference is - you are a TRANSFORMER!

I find the Autobots version is more challenging to play, comparing to the Decepticons. 'Cos being an Autobot, you have lots of considerations bounded, like during combat, you have to watch out for public properties and so. In another word, TO PROTECT

However, if you are on the opposite faction, i.e. The Decepticons, you can do almost anything you like, i.e. destroying private or public properties. In another word, TO DESTROY.

Either side you are on, by destroying civilians' properties, means violating laws, and you'll draw attentions from the local authorities - HUMAN POLICE!.

As for the Graphics, it is truely a great disappointment. Well, some many argue DS has a limited graphic engine, however, I believed it can be better, at least doesn't look like an old 3D FPS flat BMP BG.

By playing either versions of the games, will gives you certain spoilers to the movie. Please take note!

Where to get
You can either:
"Autobots! Transform and PROTECT the humans now!"


"Deceptions! Transform and DESTROY the AUTOBOTS"

by getting your copy/copies from your local stores or from
1) The Autobots; or
2) The Decepticons;

Release Date: 20 June 2007;
Genre: action;
Version: US;
Mode: Single player, Multiplayer, Online multiplayer;
RANK: 3/5;

Thursday, June 21, 2007

An auntie with a Green Punto

My car was just banged by an auntie... Thank goodness, no one is hurt... however, my car needs a new door and paint job.

I got her Name, IC, Car Number Plate and a mobile number, which I'm not sure it's a valid number. 'cos when I tried to call that number on the spot, it went to voice mail, and she said she didn't have the phone with her.

Didn't offer payment or any solutions... smiling like an idiot under the rain was all she knew.

I'm going to take my shower now, have my dinner, then go police station make report.

If she's trying to do something funny, like not answering my call or pay up full amount... then, she'll experience the power of internet.

My Happy Tea Pot from Vietnam

I bought his china tea pot from Vietnam.

The size is just perfect, not too big, not too small, just nice for 1-2 persons serving. It has some floral painting on the body and the cap. The handles are made of bronze, with a little crafting on it.

I've been using it almost everyday, with Jasmine Green Tea (which I bought from Vietnam too).

Occassionally, when I'm having lunch in office, I'll bring it down to the pantry with me. When I do that, I'll pour some tea for my friends, and everyone will have a wonderful lunch! ^0^

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Timeless Soundtracks 影視紅聲

Like most Chinese family in Malaysia, when I was a kid, I grew up with HK Drama Series & HK Movies. And I can watch the same movie/tv series, again and again and again... if I really likes it. Back then, I can remember the songs & lyrics from the movies/series.

That's my childhood.

When I saw this album - Timeless Soundtracks 影視紅聲, available at, I was so happy and grabbed it without second thoughts.

My Thoughts
This album is a compilations of Timeless Soundtracks from HK Drama Series & HK Movies in the 80s & 90s. So the songs are consider really classic now.

It may not be appealing to the younger generations that have no or very little exposure to these nostalgic works, however, if you are from my era, this will bring back some really nice memories.

This album contains Anita Mui's “似水流年”, which was recorded perfectly in ONE TAKE!


Product Info 產品资料
Title 產品名稱: Timeless Soundtracks 影視紅聲;
Artist(s) 藝人: Various Artists 群星;
Release Date 出版日期: 01/06/2005;
Language 語言: Cantonese 粵語;
Weight 重量 (Package/連包裝): 160 g;
Publisher 出品商: Capital Artists (HK) 華星娛樂 (HK);
Remarks 特別收錄: 2 CDs;

* 首次以CD格式梅艷芳“似水流年”完美第一Take,意境更蒼涼無奈!
** DSD

Disc 1
01. 新紮師兄 (無線電視劇《新紮師兄續集》主題曲) 唱︰梁朝偉
02. 伴我啟航 (無線電視劇《新紮師兄》主題曲) 唱︰小虎隊
03. 我與你,他與我 (無線電視劇《桃戰》主題曲) 唱︰梅艷芳
04. 始終會行運 (無線電視劇《鹿鼎記》主題曲) 唱︰張國榮
05. 雪山飛狐 (無線電視劇《雪山飛狐》主題曲) 合唱︰呂方、關菊瑛
06. 問誰領風騷 (無線電視劇《成吉思汗》主題曲) 合唱︰羅文、甄妮
07. 勇者無敵 (無線電視劇《楊家將》主題曲) 唱︰張國榮
08. 同途萬里人(無線外購劇集《絲綢之路》主題曲) 唱︰羅文
09. 似水流年 (完美第一版) (電影《似水流年》主題曲) 唱︰梅艷芳
10. 英雄故事 (電影《警察故事》主題曲) 唱︰成龍
11. 誓不低頭 (無線電視劇《誓不低頭》主題曲) 唱︰鄭少秋
12. 心債 (無線電視劇《香城浪子》主題曲) 唱︰梅艷芳
13. 儂本多情 (無線電視劇《儂本多情》主題曲) 唱︰張國榮
14. 秋風秋雨 (無線電視劇《秋瑾》主題曲) 唱︰汪明荃
15. 胭脂扣 (電影《胭脂扣》主題曲) 唱︰梅艷芳
16. 無名小卒 (無線電視劇《蓋世豪俠》主題曲) 唱︰呂方
17. 心中只有你 (無線電視劇《武林世家》插曲) 合唱︰張國榮、關菊英
18. 劍伴誰在 (無線電視劇《倚天屠龍記》主題曲) 合唱︰梅艷芳、梁朝偉
19. 默默向上游 (電影《鼓手》插曲) 唱︰張國榮
20. 只因我太痴 (無線電視劇《神勇CID》插曲) 唱︰呂方
21. 大與小 (電影《大小不良》插曲) 唱︰張國榮

Disc 2
01. 是這樣的 (電影《阿飛正傳》主題曲) 唱︰梅艷芳
02. 黑夜不再來 (電影《十二夜》主題曲) 唱︰陳奕迅
03. 再見十九歲 (無線電視劇《再見十九歲》主題曲) 唱︰陳美齡
04. 妳令我快樂過 (無線電視劇《新紮師兄》插曲) 唱︰呂方
05. 傾城之戀 (電影《傾城之戀》主題曲) 唱︰汪明荃
06. 當年情 (電影《英雄本色》主題曲) 唱︰張國榮
07. 夕陽之歌 (電影《英雄本色III》主題曲) 唱︰梅艷芳
08. 人生的鼓手 (電影《鼓手》主題曲) 唱︰張國榮
09. 今晚夜 (無線電視劇《星塵》插曲) 唱︰陳潔靈
10. 孤獨不再怕 (無線電視劇《新紮師兄續集》插曲) 合唱︰梁朝偉、呂方
11. 緣份 (電影《緣份》主題曲) 唱︰張國榮、梅艷芳
12. 中四丁班 (無線電視劇《中四丁班》主題曲) 唱︰羅明珠
13. 魔術師 (電影《大小不良》主題曲) 唱︰梅艷芳
14. 舊歡如夢 (電影《九二黑玫瑰對黑玫瑰》插曲) 唱︰羅家英
15. 群星高唱 (Medley)
  書劍恩仇錄 (無線電視劇《書劍恩仇錄》主題曲) 唱︰楊群及眾星 /
  啼笑姻緣 (無線電視劇《啼笑姻緣》主題曲) 唱︰李司棋 /
  陸小鳳 (無線電視劇《陸小鳳》主題曲) 唱︰石修 /
  小李飛刀 (無線電視劇《小李飛刀》主題曲) 唱︰石修、何守信 /
  倚天屠龍記 (無線電視劇《倚天屠龍記》主題曲) 唱︰林嘉華 /
  春雨彎刀 (無線電視劇《刀神》主題曲) 唱︰沈殿霞 /
  狂潮 (無線電視劇《狂潮》主題曲) 唱︰胡燕妮 /
  用愛將心偷 (無線電視劇《千王之王》主題曲) 唱︰何守信 /
  紅顏 (無線電視劇《紅顏》主題曲) 唱︰淑儀 /
  女黑俠木蘭花 (無線電視劇《女黑俠木蘭花》主題曲) 唱︰趙雅芝 /
  東方之珠 (無線電視劇《前路》主題曲) 唱︰沈殿霞、胡燕妮 /
  佛山贊先生 (無線電視劇《佛山贊先生》主題曲) 唱︰石修 /
  奮鬥 (無線電視劇《奮鬥》主題曲) 唱︰黃日華及眾星

Where to get
You can order it from

Wong Kok Char Chan Teng 旺角茶餐廳@ SS2 - Part 01

There are a few Hong Kong Style Kopitiam in town that I visited quite frequently. One of them is Wong Kok Char Chan Teng.

My Thoughts
The food at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng, is just nice, not great, but just nice. However, they serve really nice+colourful DRINKS!, colourful as in choices... not to mention, the place is nicely decorated+pleasant.

Lots of college students love to celebrate their birthday at Wong Kok Char Chan Teng, beside the nice environment and reasonable+fair pricing... there's a special birthday deal! ^0^ I hope I'll be able to blog about that deal one of these days... LOL~

Sorry, I can't label any of the drinks/food below, as they are too many of them... LOL However, my favourite drinks are:
1) Ice Lemon Green Tea;
2) Passion Fruit (Iced);

Have fun!! ^0^

The colours of Wong Kok Char Chan Teng

Wong Kok Char Chan Teng 旺角茶餐廳
No. 2, Jalan SS 2/67
Ground Floor
47300 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan

tel: +60-3-7874 8611

read also: Wong Kok Char Chan Teng @ SS2 - Part 02

Welcome back, Pearly+Johnny!!! ^0^

Hi Pearly+Johnny!

it's certainly nice to meet up with you, and others. If it wasn't for the two of you, we won't be having this short but fun gathering!

I also would like to thank all of you that came to the gathering, despite the short notice and rough timing.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Pearly & Johnny came back to Malaysia for a short home visit. We went to Paramount last week, to catch up and to have dinner. We had a wonderful meal at Restoran Loong Fong, we had the famous roast duck, however I was too hungry and forgot to document down our xcellent dinner! zzzzzzz -_-")

(note: sorry, SL+Jeff... didn't manage to snap the 2 of you...)

After dinner, we went to Wong Kok @ SS2 to meet other friends. It was a wonderful+colourful meet up!




SM+Tien Sing


TY, johnny+pearly


Tien Sing & OCY - telling us their dragonboat race experience

colours of friends

OCY, penman, johnny, pearly, Tien Sing, SM & TY

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

FW: Pls do some exercises in office every one hour

I received this FW: mail from a several friends today, and I find it helpful for a stressful day at work, and would like to share with everyone.


note: the origin of this email is unknown, however, I thank the author(s) for a good laughter! LOL~
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Mr Rabbit Exercies

1st: Warming up

sam fu kap~~~~~~~~~
kap hei~~~~~~`
fu hei~~~~
ok. now can FONG PEI~~~
(must read in cantonese)

2ND: Stretching

pom cak cak pom cak cak...

3rd: the upper body exercise

4rd: lower body exercise (moving to left and back)

5th: lower body exercise (moving to right and back)

6th: Head exercise (make sure to do the 2nd part, it works!)


i got TIT TAO GONG!!!

7th: whole body exercise



i wana buang all SUI HEI...

8th: Jumping exercise: The Pose is the key! but remember to jump!

9th: relax


LV3 over: Well done!

money money come...
money money come.....
must follow all the step ya...

Monday, June 18, 2007


幫幫忙吧~ 請你們不要三更半夜開派對!

hey~ watsup dude? want 2 join us? -_-"


Legend of the Condor Heores 射鵰英雄傳

YEAH!!! So happy!

I bought this famous TVB's 1983 TV Drama Series DVD Boxset - Legend of the Condor Heores 射鵰英雄傳. Based on the world #1 wuxia novel by Master - Jin Yong 金庸

My Thoughts
Many wonder why I bought it, as many think "it's so old". Well, to me, old or new, means nothing... but good or bad does!

This is one of the best - Legend of the Condor Heores 射鵰英雄傳, on screen ever. There were many remakes over the years, however, none beat this 1983 version. The cast were just perfect! Especially the two main characters - Guo Jing & Huang Rong, many had played these 2 characters, most notable are Felix Wong Yat Wah 黃日華 & Barbara Yung Mei Ling 翁美玲. They are simply the best Guo Jing & Huang Rong ever.

They managed to bring out the characters created by Jin Yong 金庸.

In memory of Barbara Yung Mei Ling 翁美玲
May 7, 1959 - May 14, 1985

Product Info 產品资料
Title 產品名稱: Legend Of the Condor Heroes 射鵰英雄傳;
Region Code DVD區碼: ALL;
Picture Format 影像制式: NTSC;
Artist(s) 藝人: Miu Kiu Wai 苗僑偉 | Felix Wong Yat Wah 黃日華 | Barbara Yung Mei Ling 翁美玲;
Release Date 出版日期: 19/07/2006;
Language 語言: Mandarin 國語, Cantonese 粵語;
Subtitle 字幕: Simplified Chinese 簡體中文, English 英文, Traditional Chinese 繁體中文;
Weight 重量 (Package/連包裝): 1,030 g;
Publisher 出品商: TVBI (HK) 電視廣播國際有限公司 (HK);
Remarks 特別收錄: 15DVDs (Ep.1-59) (End 完)(Uncut Edition 足本特別版)(English Subtitled 中英文字幕) (TVB Drama TVB劇集);

Where to get
You can order it from: - Buy Action Figures, Video Game Merchandise & Toys and more!